
                   The movie that really stuck with me was Takers. I first watched in back in 2010 at the age of 9. Now the reason why the movie made an impact on me was because it just gave me this feeling of excitement all the intense scenes and the storyline over all just made it a very memorable movie that has stayed with me since. As far as storyline it’s very simple, a group of friends with some serious  skills and intelligence use that to pull off some daring bank jobs to fuel their lavish lifestyles but have to face the consequences when things go south. Over time I’ve watched several times and never get tired of it, almost as if I was watching the movie for the first time. 

Takers was released in august 27, 2010 and directed by John Luessenhop. Some of the main actors in the film include Paul Walker , Idris Elba, Chris Brown and Micheal Ealy.


                  It has been a while since the last time I watched takers id say about a year or so. That was until last night when I watched it again. From what I remember it gave me the same feeling an excitement as it did before. The action in the movie still kept me on the edge of my seat and didn’t bore me. But more important the storyline and dialogue felt clean and intriguing.

                 What did change, however, was my perspective on it. You see they were skilled bank robbers they had a good crew in short they had it all the cars the houses you name it. There was one thing I didn’t notice as a kid and that was greed. It’s good to have some ambition to a certain extent and in the movie the crew got greedy. They were promised a good payday with a short time frame to prepare and the risk was higher than ever before but didn’t think much of it, such as was the information they got for the route and how it was obtained they just proceed as if it was just another job. The point is that greed leads to their demise one by one. Just found it interesting that i’ve never noticed that aspect of the movie until now.

               That explains why it connected with me , since I’m highly ambitious but sometimes too much that it gets to the point were I become really greedy and lose sight of what I was trying to get done in the first place with good intentions. However once I get deep into the work wether its school related , work or a side project Ive been working on Sometimes I tend to get greedy. Thats one thing that just really connected with me and I see it can lead to ones demise if you’re not careful.

– Steven Gomez




  1. Julieann Soto says:

    I’ve seen this movie quite a few times not only because Michael Ealy but because it was different. It was interesting to see Ealy play a character like this and I love movies that have a strategy. There’s something about planning that excites me with fulfillment. I love to have a plan and execute it in order, it makes me happy and I feel accomplished. Watching this movie I clenched when the operation started to fall apart. Although I had to keep reminding myself that they are bad men. It’s like watching breaking bad, you cheer on the bad guy and when something horrible happens to the bad guy it makes us sad because secretly we wanted them to win. I also agree on greed because I know when I get greedy we have all experienced that backlash that slaps us back into reality. Look at the casino, for example, I played 20$ once at a blackjack table and almost got to 300$ I was so close and I got greedy and lost it all. I am happy all I put in was 200$ but greed is such a poisonous addiction.

  2. Blake Voros says:

    I was really excited to see you chose Takers as your movie. I saw this movie at a young age as well. I believe I wasn’t even a teenager yet, and I watched it on one of the HBO or STARZ movie channels on DircTV. This movie also effected me because it exposed me to a lot of events I had never known could happen. I never realized what amazing actors are in it until I got older. I like how you summed up your blog post and also included how the movie effected you.
    Bests Regards,

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