Texas Chainsaw Massacre vs. A Better Tomorrow

Action and horror movies almost always have scenes that make you cringe because of the violence involved. Sometimes the violence is pointless and terrifying and other times there is a reason. Well, TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE  and A BETTER TOMORROW are two very different movies to clarify the point being made. This is the mad man…

Terminator and The House of Flying Daggers

For the past two weeks I chose to watch Terminator(1984) and The House of Flying Daggers(2004). Both films have some similarities but are very unlike from each other. The Terminator revolves around guns, violence, and the main goal is to survive. I chose this movie because it is the first out of many sequels and…

Dead Poets Society & Sex, Lies, and Videotape

My two films I watched this week are Dead Poets Society and Sex, Lies, and Videotape. These two films are quite different in their plot, but they are both unconventional and low budget. The first film, Dead Poets Society, stars Robin Williams in 1989. This film is categorized as a feel good unconventional film and…

Hollow Man vs Basic Instinct

For this week’s blog, I will be writing about the movies Hollow Man (2000) and Basic Instinct (2002). Both movies were directed by Paul Vehoeven, a Dutch born filmmaker with a number of blockbuster movies to his credit (Robocop, Total Recall, Basic Instinct, Showgirls, Starship Troopers and Elle). Vehoeven is best known for films with…


Suspense and action were two very popular genres of the late 80’s and early 90’s.  These films were pioneers for the movies that would follow in the late 90’s and early 2000’s. THE TERMINATOR was a huge deal when it was released on October 26th, 1984. Director James Cameron was behind the film and according…

Texas Chainsaw Massacre vs. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Over the past two weeks I watched and analyzed two films, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. These movies were both extremely important to their genres. They both improved and set the bar for future films to come. Texas Chainsaw Massacre raised stakes for horror movies obviously by being scarier than any before…

Fourth Wall

When actors and actresses are on a set/stage they have three walls surrounding them and the camera filming them or an audience sitting in front of them.  The fourth wall is an invisible, imagined wall that separates actors from the audience. While the audience can see through this “wall”, the actors act as if they cannot. Thus, making it…

Music in Film

Music can have a heavy effect in film. It sets a mood and makes the viewer predict what might happen or heighten the scene already taking place. Music can psychologically manipulate a viewer into thinking one way rather than the way they might have without music. The video below begins with a very corny scene…


Costumes aren’t just for kids on Halloween, they are some of the most vital pieces for a film. Costumes are also necessary to set the mood of the film.  For example, a spy movie would have a lot of people dressed in formal attire. A movie set in the Renaissance would have it’s characters dressed…

Aerial Shot / Drones

I have an interest in drones which got me thinking about the use of drones for creating aerial shots in movies. The common definition of an aerial shot is when the camera is mounted in or on a helicopter or airplane. The aerial shot is a variation of crane shot but from a higher altitude….