“The Deer Hunter,” directed by Michael Cimino is a great film that I don’t recommend for those of the faint of heart. This film takes place during the Vietnam war, being released a couple years after the war its self was declared over. This film stars some great talent, with male leading stars such as…
Rocky was a New American Cinema masterpiece, which audiences adored and critics appreciated. Sylvester Stallone went from an unknown, struggling actor to a Hollywood sensation almost overnight, with the release of Rocky to theaters in 1976. Roger Ebert in his critical reveiew of Rocky states, “[i]t’s about heroism and realizing your potential, about taking your…
Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom
Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom is the second film of the Indiana Jones franchise. After arriving in North India, Indiana Jones is asked by desperate villagers to find a mystical stone and rescue their children from a Thuggee cult practicing child slavery, black magic and ritual human sacrifice in honor of the goddess…
Indiana Jones, the Action-Adventure blockbuster
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is a film about an archaeologist bringing stolen artifacts back to their original owners, and rescuing their children from a cult that practices dark magic. Even though Temple of Doom is a sequel, in the story line it is the prequel to Raiders of the Lost Ark. It’s…
The historical question of how Rocky interprets the societal values of America, and reflects that culture in an art style that is evident in the way the story unfolded, is relevant when considering this influential movie. The New American Cinema movement played a clear role in the filming of this movie. Rocky is a blockbuster…
Blazing Saddles a Cult Classic!
A hidden gem of a movie made by Mel Brooks, you would think a comedy movie nowadays would be surrounded by child like satire of jokes or events that a character would do. Well, you get all of that and then some in Blazing Saddles. I’d recommend prior to reading my post to stop here…
Carrie: The Revealing Nature of Female Destruction
Softness and femininity saturate the screen with warmth as the camera pans across each row in the locker room. As some girls get changed, we see other young, confident high school women wearing their nudity like a fresh new outfit–loud and proud. Slowly but surely, we eventually meet our timid and innocent protagonist–miss Carrie White…
Quintet (1979)
The film directed by Robert Altman, Quintet, is said to be one of the worst films ever made. The film doesn’t exactly tells us when the film takes place, but it shows that the setting of the film take place on an frozen earth with a few people left living. The protagonist of the film…
Quintet, Will You Play?
Quintet is a film directed by Robert Altman that’s based in the future after an ice age hits the earth. Quintet is considered one of the worst films of all times by many critics and viewers alike. The film follows a man named Essex who ventures back to the city his brother lives in with…
The Shining – Not Shining Light on The Plot
When hearing about the opportunity to live in an isolated lodge in the middle of an uninhabited forest, twenty five miles away from the nearest town, in the midst of heavy winter – the majority of us would instantly decline. Such was not the case for Jack Torrence, played by Jack Nicholson, in The Shining,…
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