The Young Savages

“The Young Savages”, directed by John Frankenheimer, is a 1960’s early portrayal of new era filming. John Frakenheimer was undoubtedly an early new era filmmaker and famous director. This could be shown through his process of directing and his habit of controlling every aspect of the films production. Not only is he be the inspiration…


One of my favorite movies, that I mentioned in my introduction post is The Grand Budapest Hotel. I really like how Wes Anderson directs, he has a really distinctive directing style, and the way that his movies are shot is captivating. In The Grand Budapest hotel, there is a handful of really diverse characters.  The plot…

Under the same moon

Under the same moon is a movie and such a big inspiration for many people. One of those many people is me, it made me change my perspective on many things. It made me value my life and parents lots more than what I already did, for they have given me everything I’ve ever wanted…

We Were Soldiers

My cinematic history is actually a huge part of who I am.  As a child both my parents worked a lot, but every Friday we would all jump into the car and head to the movie theater.  So for me going to the movies was not just a form of entertainment but it was an…

An Inconvenient Truth

Reading the posts of others I have concluded I am a boring person, I have not scene most of the mentioned movies and I really only watch Documentaries and late night TV. One of the reasons I am taking this course is so I can gain a better appreciation for Hollywood and other non mainstream…