Pleasantville & The Social Network: Evolving From Ignorance to Ruthlessness

For many filmmakers, creating a film that represents a specific point in time is a dangerous game. The film can be seen as incredibly dated shortly after its release, and they run the risk of offending an entire generation of filmgoers if depicted in a negative light. Fortunately for any connoisseurs of great cinema, neither Gary…

Two Hit Films by James Cameron

James Cameron is a renown directors is is known for many known titles such as, “Titanic” and “Terminator” but he two films that are being brought into comparison are his sci-fi space themed films “Avatar” and “Aliens.” Avatar follows the the heroic journey of Jake Sully, who is a disabled war veteran on the alien…

History and Remakes: Russian Ark and Solaris

Two films that I have viewed recently are Russian Ark and the remake of Solaris. Both have very different stories and information presented but they both hold a similar pacing. While Russian Ark is all about moving through the Russian Hermitage museum and visiting different time periods with different influential people in Russian history accompanied…

Technologically and Artistically Similar: Avatar and Inception

The films Avatar and Inception can both be analyzed through their unique artistic styles in addition to the astounding technology they used to enhance the plots. Globalization played a large role in the production of each film, as the film industry expected large audiences composed of people from around the globe, and financed the movies…

Social Commentary on Reality: Inception and Pleasantville

The first time I watched Pleasantville and Inception I was quite young, still in high school. Looking back my understanding of these movies was limited because I lacked experience in life. Watching them again at age 26 they have a whole new meaning. Both speak about a person’s place within reality, our perception of that…

Society and Technology Reflected in Avatar and Inception

The writers and directors of Avatar and Inception, James Cameron and Christopher Nolan respectively, each created a film true to their ever-present styles, using technology and society to amaze audiences all over the world. The film Inception claims for itself the category of mainstream film in no uncertain terms. It’s easy to follow storyline, big…

More Mainstream Than You Think: My Bloody Valentine & Twin Peaks

While watching the first two episodes of Twin Peaks and the film My Bloody Valentine, I wasn’t really expecting to find so many similarities between the two. Both are set in small towns, both feature an ensemble cast, and both deal with mysterious circumstances regarding murder. Released in 1981 My Bloody Valentine is a slasher…