My Cinematic History Essay

I watched the movie The Shawshank Redemption when I was a primary school student. My brother is a cinephile, and I often watch films with him. I couldn’t understand the movie very well when I first watch this movie. The only thing I can clearly remember is that a clever senior man whose nickname is…

The Impact Of ‘Megan Is Missing’ On My Life

When I think of ‘Megan is Missing’ I remember the horrifying images and videos of two girls who were kidnapped, tortured, and murdered. I saw ‘Megan is Missing’ for the first time when I was eleven years old. Most of the plot I do not recall. However, the vivid images of Megan’s body and Amy’s…

To Kill a Mocking Bird- 1960 to 1965 film

To Kill a Mocking To Kill a Mocking Bird, Personal Cinematic History Manny Lincoln Black and White cinematography gives a dream like feel of capturing the past.  The black and white adds rich textures, subtle and dramatic shading to the story.  The black and white also added rich shadows to many scenes that created a…

Won’t You Be My Neighbor – Manny Lincoln

“Won’t you be my Neighbor” movie review. Manny Lincoln “Love is what makes things happen and the lack of love stops things from happening”, Mr. Rogers quote starts the documentary movie, I am too young to have ever seen one of his programs.   I went into the theater knowing nothing about Mr. Rogers.  The movie…

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner

Watching Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner as a child was vivid.  The cast was exquisitely formed, creating a film that has survived the passing of decades and is, sadly, still relevant to society today.  The characters in the film who displayed racist tendencies throughout were shocking.  Growing up in an environment so different, with such…

The Suffragette

  The timeless strength of Maud Watts filled the screen of the Suffragette with her radical fight alongside countless other women, to attain the vote. The injustices of being a woman in that time period were vividly portrayed through Maud Watts’ character, as she was not able to keep her child when her husband wanted…

Divine Secrets

I must have been six years old the first time I sat through a movie called Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood. It hadn’t been the first time my mom had slipped it into the DVD player, but my ripe young age paired with my delicate attention span was simply a recipe for innocent disinterest…

Law Abiding Citizen

When I first watched Law Abiding Citizen I didn’t fully understand the weight of that the film carried with it. I was maybe 14 when I first watched the film and just cared about an action movie that would hold my attention through each fight scene. One night I stumbled upon this and as I…

American Psycho: The Greatest Comedy Ever Made

Ever since I was a teenager, I have been fascinated by stories about the criminally insane. Films such as the Alfred Hitchcock masterpiece Psycho or the 1991 classic The Silence of the Lambs immediately captured my attention, opening up a window of perspectives that I had never even imagined. Rather than committing horrific acts out a desire for…


The first time i saw “Dead Poets Society” i wasn’t expecting anything good, it was a movie that i had to see for my homework and i wasn’t that happy. I thought it was going to be just a weird old boring movie. I couldn’t been more wrong. When i finished watching the film i…