Final Blog Post

The world of cinema is constantly evolving and developing new techniques for the progression of the industry. With expectations getting higher each year, filmmakers and actors alike have to constantly be stepping up their game in order to develop a profitable piece of art. The extensive and technological advancement within this given medium of art…

Avatar, Art, Inception, & Technology

Throughout the duration of our course, we have talked about the various aspects that have evolved the film industry over such a short amount of time. We have finally reached one of the most essential revolutions that the film industry has and is currently going through. Through the use of art, style, and technology; leaps…

Solaris, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, & the Human Psyche

What is reality? If each one of us were to answer that, we would all come up with our own unique answers. Reality is not something that is a universal idea that we all share, but it is the visual representations that are present in which we rely on to decipher reality. Throughout the films…

Close Encounters Of The Third Kind

“Close Encounters of the Third Kind”, directed by Steven Spielberg, is a film that sparks the interests and possibly much of the conspiracy behind human relation with the extraterrestrial. Spielberg not only gave his viewers a sense of wonder and what if’s, but it also began to start a controversy in question of religion. Through…

Young Frankenstein

“Young Frankenstein”, a film directed by Mel Brooks, shows the relation between man and his creation. With scientific advancements and the manipulation of nature, man steals the idea of creation and uses it for his own purposes. Unfortunately, even with Victor’s creation of Frankenstein, man is cruel to those that are different. Through the production…

A Har Day’s Night

The Beatles. Wouldn’t those words alone compel you to see that film at that given point in history? Even in current times, if they were all still alive, many people would still go see such a film. This film was not only a box office success, but it even began to effect society for the…

The Young Savages

“The Young Savages”, directed by John Frankenheimer, is a 1960’s early portrayal of new era filming. John Frakenheimer was undoubtedly an early new era filmmaker and famous director. This could be shown through his process of directing and his habit of controlling every aspect of the films production. Not only is he be the inspiration…


Perspective. This is a film that takes you on a journey with four of the biggest names in skateboarding. Showing you their roots where they developed and refined their skills, skateboarding is shown to be more than just a nuisance to the public. This film not only impacted my love for skateboarding, but also my…