Nick Ilvento — Final Blog

Have you ever questioned how an entire industry can change drastically in the matter of 50 years. Through my eyes, the film industry has come a very long way since 1965. It has gotten better in most aspects, but worse in a few as well. Obviously, as technology improves things like camera quality, visual effects,…

Texas Chainsaw Massacre vs. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Over the past two weeks I watched and analyzed two films, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. These movies were both extremely important to their genres. They both improved and set the bar for future films to come. Texas Chainsaw Massacre raised stakes for horror movies obviously by being scarier than any before…

Transitions in Film

Transitions in film are the way one scene continues into the next. Most transitions are simple and fast to make the audience not even realize that they occur. Some examples of transitions include cuts, dissolves, fades, and wipes. Good movie editors will use different transition methods and are really good at knowing when and where…

The Shining vs. Schindler’s List

These two films were released in order to have a strong affect on the audience. In order to accomplish this, both of these films use the common theme of evil. However, the types of evil are very different. In The Shining, the evil is more spiritual and paranormal while in Schindler’s list, the evil aspect…

Leitmotif in Film

A Leitmotif is a specific theme that stands out in a film and eventually becomes highly recognizable. Leitmotifs are most commonly iconic sounds and “theme-songs” that are known for only being in that movie or series of movies. Leitmotifs are typically found in famous movies and have a huge impact on the audience. Basically, if…

Breathless and The Manchurian Candidate.

Most commonly, in movies the main character is a protagonist who the audiences ends up rooting for during the film. However, there is an exception to this general film strategy called an antihero. An antihero is a protagonist that doesn’t usually act noble or well mannered. This unconventional character also creates for some debate among…

Music in Pixar Movies

Music in movies is extremely important; It sets the tone, pace, and mood of the film.  Without music, a movie would seem bland and its scenes wouldn’t affect the audience as much. Music usually plays in the background of a scene and most of the time the audience doesn’t even realize that the music is…


The movie E.T.was one of my childhood favorites. It excited the possibility of aliens and space for me. In the movie, an alien comes down from outer space and meets a boy named Elliot. At first Elliot is terrified of E.T., but through the course of time they bond and even become friends. However, this…