The Evolution of the Film Industry Through Fifty Years

The use of the audio/visual media of film entertainment has been a huge influence on society since it came to be. People everywhere have been drawn to the glamour of the stories that can be told on the film outlet. The business side of the film industry has proved successful and brought in a tremendous…

Two Ways that the Digital Revolution Changed the Film Industry

Since the digital revolution busted through the scene in Hollywood, filmmakers were able to throw tons of money into a film and be confident that it would succeed because people are always drawn to the ground-breaking effects and illusions on screen. This digital revolution also made it possible for smaller films to be made more…

Two Different Techniques Used to ‘Wow’ Viewers

The film, Blue Velvet, directed by David Lynch is like nothing that has reached the big screen  before with disturbing themes of violent and controlling BDSM sex. The story follows Jefferey, a college student who is back home because his father is in the hospital, who finds a human ear in a field and teams…

What Does it Mean to be Human: A Look at A.I.: Artificial Intelligence

In a futuristic world where humanity barely survived major global catastrophes, a need arose for the creation of intelligent robotic creatures, meccas, who consumed no resources and helped humanity flourish again. Thus artificial intelligence was born, but when does artificial beings become real humans. This is the thin line that the Steven Spielberg film, A.I.:…

Is The Shining a Real Horror Film?

The Shining was an adaption from the Stephen King novel to film by Stanley Kubrick in 1980. The film redesigned the Horror genre and delved into the themes of violence, repetition, and reincarnation. Jack Torrance accepts a job to be a caretaker in the Overlook Hotel for the winter with nobody but his family around…

The Conversation and it’s Historical Relevance to Watergate

The film by Francis Ford Coppola titled, The Conversation, was a film produced in 1974 starring Gene Hackman and Harrison Ford. This film follows Harry Caul, played by Gene Hackman, who is hired to bug a conversation between two young individuals at the beginning of the film. Harry is called the “best bugger on the…

The Racial Tension in Ali: Fear Eats the Soul

I chose to watch Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, directed by Ralner Werner Fassbinder, because I haven’t seen a lot of foreign films and I am a huge history buff. I wanted to get an inside perspective on what racism was like in a post World War II Germany. The film explores the social issues…

Watchmen’s Visual Effects and View on Morality

Being a young teenager, I was drawn to the previews of Watchman because of the stunning visual effects, the violence, and the superhero aspect. I only hazily remember the storyline. I mainly remember the images of the superheroes that were not what mainstream superheroes are typically like. I also had a vivid memory of the…