Psychology of Color and Its Use in Film

Since its inception, film has always been, at its core, a visual media. One of the most important and striking aspects of a film is its use of color to incite a psychological response from the audience. Color can be used to convey a mood and set the tone or ambiance of a scene. Take…

Luchino Visconti and John Cassavetes: A Hollywood portrayal of real life

Italian neorealism as a genre, with films like Luchino Visconti’s Bellissima, had a major impact on the style and substance of the New Hollywood Cinema era, which can be seen in John Cassavete’s “A Woman Under the Influence.” Examples abound in overall similarities of the main characters and how they are treated/viewed by those around…

Film Analysis Resource: Breaking the Fourth Wall

One of my absolute favorite cinematic techniques is when a character breaks the fourth wall, essentially stepping out of the film to bring the audience in on a secret or an inside joke. Though this technique has a storied history, being used in many films over the years, it could be argued that none have…

Dead Poets Society: A Cinematic Memoir

This week, I rewatched the movie Dead Poets Society for the first time in about a decade. This movie has always stood out in my memory as a moving, influential film that portrays a strong life lesson: to seize the day, stand up for your individual beliefs, and follow your heart. As a lost teenager,…