Oh How Far We’ve Come

Movies are such an interesting part of our history. For as long as we have been a species we have told stories. These stories eventually turned into us creating books, and theatrical plays. As technology allowed, our story telling abilities were transformed with the creation of film. With better technology came better effects that created…

Pleasantville and Avatar

Two movies that I really enjoyed when they came out were “Pleasantville” and “Avatar”. Little did I know years later, I would be comparing them in a blog post for a class. Re-watching these films was somewhat nostalgic for me as they both came out when I was quite a bit younger then I am…

Nightmare on Elm Street and A Better Tomorrrow

Horror, as a genre is probably my most favorite of all film genres, although I am always a sucker for a good action/drama movie. I know these are two genres are very different from one another, but in some ways they are similar. Both can use violence to shock the viewers’ senses. They can both…


Montage by definition is the production of a rapid succession of images in a motion picture to illustrate an association of ideas. In film, montages can really help the narrative progress by telling a long part of a story in a short amount of time. We can see examples of this technique in a variety…


Colorization is the process in which a movie (or photo) is edited from its original black and white to color. The films are digitized and put into a computer program that allows the colorist to see the all the different colors of gray. They are then able to color each frame individually using a palette…

Breathless and The Graduate – a new take on Romance

“Breathless” and “The Graduate” at first glance appear so drastically different from one another. Made ten years apart from one another, in different countries, and one in black and white, one in color, there could really be no similarity between the two, right? The reality is that both of these films are still today looked…

Leitmotif in Film

    Leitmotif is a tool used in the making of a film that you can see in movies from today to as far back as the 1930’s. It is a melody that is used to associate a character, a place, a person, object, place, or emotion to what you are seeing on screen. Leitmotif’s…


“Inception” is a movie that may seem a bit strange to be thought of as one that has an impact ones life, but for some reason this movie has stuck with me more then others in the past decade of my life. I have never really been a huge movie person, definitely not the friend…