After The Blood Comes The Boys!

The 1976 movie Carrie who was played by Sissy Spacek as the lead role as Carrie.  This movie was about a young girl who started her period and she got bullied. Carrie had telekinesis powers that she started after she started her period at school.  She took notice and did research. The girls who bullied her got detention and one of the girls was not very happy about this.  Chris decided to not go to the prom anymore since this was revoked if she didn’t continue detention, and made a plan with her boyfriend Billy.  Chris and Billy slaughtered a pig to get the blood and ake Carrie win prom queen so that they can drop the blood on top of her while she was on stage.  She was asked to prom by Tommy who was a boyfriend of one of the girls who bullied her.  This wasn’t a trick, Sue felt horrible and wanted to make it up to Carrie and told Tommy to ask her to prom.  In the middle of this Carrie’s mother didn’t like any of this because she felt that this was all the devil’s work. Carrie ended up setting the entire prom on fire with her telekinesis and died when she got home after her mom stabbed her. Carrie then stabbed her mother with seven knives and the house collapsed and caught on fire. She died with the house collapsing with her mother in her arms in the closet her mother would lock her in to pray.

Anton Bitel a freelance movie critic argued that Carrie was about how as women we cannot gather as a community.  I completely disagree with this statement because there isn’t enough evidence of this assumption.  There weren’t any critical scenes that showed all of the girls either against each other or fighting with each other.  I watched this movie going in with two thoughts from the resources I read prior to watching the movie.  I think Bitel thought this because of the way the girls bullied Carrie but it didn’t show that it’s impossible for women to gather as a community. I do agree with Sereafina Batrick on her conclusion of Carrie being completely about her period.  We start with Carrie getting her period while she takes a shower in the girl’s locker room. She later goes home and her mother gets a call from the school to let her know and her mother has these assumptions that if she wouldn’t have sinned the blood would have never come. Throughout the movie, her mom basically blames everything on the blood from her period.  When Tommy asked Carrie to the prom her mother said, “After the blood comes the boys come”.  This line completely made my decision on why I agree with Serafina.  When Carrie’s mother witnesses her powers she blamed it on the devil because of the blood. At prom, pigs’ blood was dropped on her and when she became angry she turned the lights in the room red.  Everything in this movie did surround her period and I believe it was all through her mother.  She was very in-depth believing that period blood was from sinning and the devil.

The author of the book Carrie who is Stephen King interviews about the movie made from his book.  He speaks about his experience of going to the theater to watch the movie and he was amazed at how Brian De Palmas, who was the director of the movie, made everyone relate to Carrie.  He says that this was on the first movies to put in a jumpscare at the end of the movie when Carrie’s hand comes out from the ground and grabs Sue. He says that everyone in the theater was scared because they weren’t expecting this to happen. Stephen said everyone started to grab their coats to get ready to leave and then Brian put in the jumpscare and this is what jumpstarted the tradition of jumpscares.

Carrie is a conventional movie because it was made by one of the best horror author, Stephen King.  His books made 400,000 dollars and the movie itself made 33.8 million in gross and this movie was made on a 1.8 million budget.  Brian De Palmas knew this would make good money because Kings books sold.  The film did amazing and King was happy with the way Palmas directed the movie.



Although the movie was mainly about Carrie’s period, the only thing I would change in this movie would be her mother.  I wanted to learn more about why she feels like Carrie’s period is from sinning and devil. I know she talked about Carrie’s father for a quick moment at the end of the movie but it wasn’t enough.  People who don’t do research on the movie beforehand won’t be able to make the connection as well as what I did.  In the end, Carrie was a great movie and I would have never imagined a movie could touch base on something that naturally occurs in womanhood.