The change of love in the movie since 1960s

In today’s society, sex and violence are people’s desires and desires, but in movies and TV shows, they can be transformed into romantic and beautiful love, so as to meet the inner needs of the audience. When appreciating film and television works, the audience can obtain various life and psychological experiences through the appreciation and identification of the visual art of film and television works. When the emotions reach resonance and sublimation, the audience can get the release of inner feelings.
With the deepening and expansion of the world women’s liberation movement, women in the 20th century have won more and more rights and interests, and their struggle has become more conscious and firm. However, until now, western women are more free and straightforward and open in the face of love and expression of love. In the attitude towards love and marriage, women’s living state and realistic choices also present a diversified trend.
Some hold the initiative in love and fight for, some insist on a lifetime of love do not get married, and some insist on dink do not give birth to children after marriage. There are those who pursue extramarital love in defiance of established rules, and those who abide by traditions and responsibilities. Therefore, since 1960, the representation in films has become more and more diversified.
Bonnie and Clyde (1967) are typically unconventional. It breaks the limitation of women’s free thought and is different from traditional women’s tolerance and obedience in love relationship. Bonnie was petite, fair-skinned and red-blond, and even the police officers who had ambushed them had written about her beauty. And she got good grades. She loved literature. She loved writing poetry. It was love at first sight when barlow first met Clyde at his friend’s house in January 1930 while bonnie cooked hot cocoa in the kitchen. It was a wonderful emotion, and bonnie was at Clyde’s side every time Clyde committed a crime.
This is a pair of desperate mandarin ducks. One scene in the film is particularly shocking. At 108 minutes, the deaths of bonnie and Clyde are shocking, but the scene is also good for suspense. Clyde saw moss’s father standing on the side of the road, his slanted camera creating a sense of instability as he walked past. Immediately after a flock of starlings took off, moss’s father quickly threw himself under the car, and bonnie and Clyde exchanged the loving look of knowing their time had come. The police had emptied almost all the bullets in their guns, and bonnie and Clyde were shaking in a hail of bullets, and the car, too, was riddled. The violent scene has been called the “ballet of death”, but it has also caused a lot of controversy.

Bonnie’s elopement with Clyde was regarded as an elopement. Bonnie’s family was absolutely opposed to it, but they did not accept it in the end, which emphasized the subjective will of women. Bonnie has her own personality and independent ideas, and dares to make decisions for her own love, breaking through the traditional old idea of good wife and good mother. This kind of multi-choice has become the main trend of women’s liberation movement in the new century, which undoubtedly means that women have more open and broader space. Western women in the new century will also have greater freedom and give love richer meaning.
In 1989, Nolan’s batman film was released, ushering in a new era for the batman franchise. The second batman film was released in 1992. Catwoman is officially on screen. Cat woman is a typical unconventional woman, she is wild, a change of traditional female gentle and graceful, virtuous dignified. An awkward situation for feminism in a patriarchal society. As well as excessive feminism, caused the antagonism between men and women and created the character of catwoman. Perhaps, excessive feminism is a heavy shackle for women themselves. In the love between catwoman and batman, catwoman always takes the initiative, and batman is even humble. When they finally learn each other’s true identities, batman reaches out to catwoman and says, come with me, we can live together in my castle. Battered by the pressures of modern society, catwoman stretched out her hand and pitiful said: I would like to live with you in your castle… Yes, that’s the tone of Tim burton’s films — bleak, dark, and fundamentally desperate for life. Catwoman is like a small wild cat on the street who won’t go home with you after all your kindness, with mystery and pride. This episode of catwoman is the independent will of modern women.

Forrest gump in 1994 warmed the hearts of many American viewers. Set in a gallery of more than 30 years of American history, it tells the story of an ordinary man with whom almost every American would like to identify. The protagonist of the film, forrest gump, seems to be “extraordinary”, but in fact, under the careful grasp of zemeckis’ Hollywood narrative skills, he is firmly positioned as an “ordinary” American. The core of this position is the honesty, kindness and indomitable spirit as the core of gump’s character. As a human character and virtue recognized by the mainstream consciousness of American society for hundreds of years, it makes every audience feel that they see “themselves” in him. Therefore, the love between forrest gump and Jenny is defined as protection and persistence, which is what people need at that time. They only love one person and do one thing in their life.
No matter, don’t need your return, love the other half’s colleague, also can bear her betrayal of you and away from, this is the real love, it is easy to fall in love with her but it’s hard to like forrest gump love Jenny, in his hometown of forrest gump, Jenny and at the end of the film together, and gave birth to normal little forrest gump, they live very happy. Forrest gump said in front of Jenny’s grave I love you Jenny, we really understand forrest gump’s idea, he owns most of what we don’t have, that is love, those who think they have love don’t get true love, let alone understand forrest gump’s love. In this way, forrest gump is pure, at least not that many people have.

Why, this age people will be this pure, do not ask for a reward ai moved. Because the world is changing too fast, materialized too seriously, and the interest relationship is too complicated, movies are just to arouse people’s inner desire.
Compared with crouching tiger, hidden dragon, this chinese-style love, we can also see the differences between Chinese and western film views of love. Chinese love is inseparable from marriage. With the passage of time, the strong love is refined in every detail of life. Each other used to each other, love each other into a bosom friend, husband and wife of emotional wang wang will become a kind of fusion of love and affection of compound feelings. Crouching tiger hidden dragon, li mubai has been guarding the marriage constraints with yu xiulian, that this is their own heart. Compared with Chinese people, westerners believe in love at first sight and enjoy the feeling of love rather than the comfort of marriage. Catwoman and batman, bonnie and Clyde, forrest gump and Jenny never had a real marriage.
Chinese and western expressions of love are also very different. In ancient China, when marriage was arranged by parents or matchmakers, men and women were put in heavy fetters. In the west, we advocate equal love and love first. As a result, people’s expressions are very straightforward and open.
A movie is a kind of life. Movies and TV are over, but people’s lives go on and love goes on. Whether it is a tragedy or a comedy, when people come to the real world from the film and television, they will keep these beautiful love in mind on the way of pursuing happiness. No matter what difficulties you may encounter, you will never give up and pursue the truth, kindness and beauty in life as always. This is the wealth brought by film and television to people