The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games

It happened in North-America in post-apocalyptic era, where the land and nature are both in trouble. There were 12 districts and 1 capital around by 12 districts in this new-established country – Panem – which dominated the whole country. The dominator forced to hand over teenagers aged from 12 to 18 to participate into a dangerous game so as to take this terror to maintain authoritarian rules and orders in the country.

Five year ago, this movie left me a great impression, not only because of the plots, layout, acting skills and emotions. The love between two main characters can heal everything, only love can solve problems get out of the dilemma. Besides, faith and perseverance are also the thing I learned when I firstly watched this movie. No matter how big troubles we will face in the future, faith and brave will lead us to the bright.

And now, besides what I found 5 years ago. Harmony is another. Human and nature are not humorous, and the spirits of human are not humorous.

12 districts and the capital were surrounded by walls, people living here cannot step into the wall outside the nature world, which definitely reflected the distance between human and nature. Furthermore, although human and nature were isolated, human never stopped making full use of nature and destroyed nature. All these show the author’s social criticism towards Utopian, but under the surface of dystopian, the author also tried to provide a better social construction scheme.

The ecological thoughts can be reflected in the movie. The name of “Panem”, the meaning of “hanger games”, and some strange names can reflect the connection between nature and human lives, which testify that human value need to be humorous with the nature. It is very dangerous to dominate nature and finally will destroy human themselves.



  1. Joei-Conwell says:


    I enjoyed your post very much! The Hunger Games also left a big impression on me.

    I was shocked by the cut-throat dystopian world which was in contrast to the lavish lifestyle of the wealthy. I haven’t seen the movie in a long time, probably since its release, but at one point I remember seeing the wealthy overeating and regurgitating in order to indulge more. It was disgusting to watch not only because of the physical act of throwing it back up but because there are people suffering while a small elite indulges in the entertainment of their suffering as well as in the sustenance they could benefit from.

    1. Andrew-Cabri says:


      I really enjoyed the Hunger Games and your post was quite fun to read as well. I agree Peeta and Katniss’ relationship throughout the movie was extremely moving and their final moments in the ring made it seem so real. As we see later, its so complicated. I really like you’re 2nd to last paragraph in which you bring up the authors views on society through the depiction of a dystopia.

  2. Joei-Conwell says:

    In addition to my comments, I want to say that your post opened my eyes to the ecological relationship between the problems that each district was up against. Their environment was ruined. All while their environment was damaged, the entertainment business spent their time and resources developing a lavish and lush playground of death. I appreciate how you were able to concisely articulate that point in your writing.

  3. Trevor-Colbert says:


    Very interesting post about Hunger Games. I have not seen this in such a long time that I will have to back and watch it soon.
    I like how you introduced the plot so descriptively so that someone who has not seen it would understand it.

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