The Last Detail

The movie “The Last Detail” directed by Hal Ashby. This movie is based on a novel written 1970. It is based around 2 navy sailors who’s mission is to escort Larry Meadows to naval prison. Larry Meadows is an 18 year old kid who took forty dollars from a charity box that just happened to be his commanding officers wife’s favorite pet charity. The young man is sentenced to an absurd 8 years at the Portsmouth naval prison. His escorts seemed rather excited, they had to get him there in 5 but the travel only took 2 days about the long trip however they grew fond of Meadows and try to make it the best time for him before he is locked up. They begin to show him the things he should be experiencing in his young adulthood such as going to a brothel or drinking alcohol. As they get closer to Portsmouth you can tell meadows is getting more anxious the closer they get. His escorts are also a little anxious about losing their job because of all the rule bending they have done.
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This is one of the original advertisement. It shows Jack Nichols, who was a huge hit at the time, along with other actors/actresses that starred in the movie. It shows the route that the men take on their elongated task, and at the end it shows the tall walls of prison.
Image result for the last detail burger scene
In this screenshot I took it shows how Meadows does not stick up for himself or has the confidence he needs, especially to place he is going. Buddusky and Mulhall begin to take him under their wing. Meadows gets wants his cheese melted, but he does not want to bother the waitress to fix the order. That is when Buddusky steps in and calls the waitress over and urges him to be more assertive.

Buddusky and Ottis take him to an ice skating, as you can tell by the grin from ear to ear that he is really enjoying himself for the first time on the trip. His escorts seem to really be enjoying themselves watching Meadows stumble around the rink and saying that he looks like a big penguin.

Image result for the last detail ice skating scene

In this critique was written by Vikram Murthi. The thing he claims to remember most after first seeing this movie is the constant use of profanity. This, at the time, broke records for the amount of times the movie had the word “fuck” in it. He also discusses how impactful the photography for the film was and how it did the “heavy lifting”. Another big part of the movie making process he praises is the editing (which is done by Robert C. Jones)saying it gives each scene its own unique flavor. However he gives sort of the overall reward to Jack Nicholson. He was very impressed with his performance and mentions how great the character played a caring yet playing a harder/tougher roll. He also talks about his screen stealing plays such as the “snow patrol” scene that is all over the internet.