Shawshank Redemption is a 1994 film based on a Steven King Novella. This film was nominated for seven academy awards including best picture. This movie is about a smart quiet banker named Andy played by Tim Robbins, that is accused of killing his wife and her lover and sentenced to two life sentences in Shawshank prison. He never admits to the killings and claims innocence throughout the movie. During his time in prison he meets Red played by Morgan Freemen who bets that Andy will be the first to crack in prison. They become friends and continue to give each other hope that there is another life other than a life behind walls. With the hardships of life in prison this story ends with a happy ending and a message of hope, friendship and happiness.
This movie was not one that I personally thought I would like due to the prison theme but after watching it once I’ve seen it multiple times and rarely change the channel when it’s on tv. After watching it again, Shawshank Redemption still is well written and directed leaving you feeling for the characters and wanting a happy ending which this movie does not disappoint.
“Get busy living or get busy dying”
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