Transitions in Film

Transitions in film are the way one scene continues into the next. Most transitions are simple and fast to make the audience not even realize that they occur. Some examples of transitions include cuts, dissolves, fades, and wipes. Good movie editors will use different transition methods and are really good at knowing when and where to transition. However, there are some great and unique ways to make a transition go extremely smooth. This affect could make the reader say “wow that was cool” and keep them interested in what they’re watching.

This video talks about the way movies, or more specifically animation movies use creative transitions. One example is called a montage using a similar object. For example, the scene will zoom in on one object and then zoom back out to reveal a different scene. By using this, the effect can give the plot a deeper meaning and connect to characters together. Transitions are essential to movies and can make a break how good the audience thinks it is.