Music in Pixar Movies

Music in movies is extremely important; It sets the tone, pace, and mood of the film.  Without music, a movie would seem bland and its scenes wouldn’t affect the audience as much. Music usually plays in the background of a scene and most of the time the audience doesn’t even realize that the music is playing. However, just because they don’t acknowledge the sound doesn’t mean it’s ineffective. Often times just subtle soft music can pull at an audiences heart strings.

One film making company is amazing at using different background music and non-background music to make the audience feel a certain type of way. This company is Pixar. Pixar is an animation company that is famous for movies like Toy Story and The Incredibles. They also are famous for, in my opinion, one of the saddest scenes in animation history. This scene comes at the beginning of UP, and its effectiveness is a direct results from the music they play during the scene. In fact the music is so effective that it doesn’t need to play in the background, the scene has no words and is still heart-breaking.

This video by Sideways on Youtube explains exactly what they do that makes their music so effective and why they do it.

One Comment

  1. Dustin T. Woodstock says:

    I have got to say the video example of music depicting feelings is on point! The Monsters INC. example couldn’t be more clear about what the scene is trying to portray. As well as the single piano note from UP when Frederick is kissing the girl. You can tell it is an intimate moment
    in the movie. The music is also subtle music when the house lands on the waterfall that depicts happiness that “they made it”.

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