
While watching HARRY POTTER or LORD OF THE RINGS, we notice that these characters are not dressed up like every day people. In fact, they are dressed very different that what you would see someone walking down the street wearing. What about in western movies when you see people dressed up as cowboys or in AVATAR when you see people dressed like savages? These movies are obviously based off the future or present and you have to make it seem as realistic as you can. Costumes are the reason why these characters fit the movie so well.

What is a costume? A costume is a set of clothes in a style typical of a particular country or historical period. Costumes define who the character is rather than just focusing on the personality. For example this superhero.

You can tell that this character is some sort of action character because of the shied and the suit. Possibly a superhero? A crime fighter? The costume says it all.

Lets be honest, it would not be right to see a man in a business suit in a caveman movie or a clown in a HARRY POTTER movie. The costume is what gives the story/movie life and without costumes might as well put “FAKE” across the movie screen.