The Martian

My interest in the movie The Martian started by reading book for an English class. I thoroughly enjoyed the book so when the movie was released I was anxious to see it. The plot of the movie is about an astronaut, Mark Watney, who was left for dead following an accident during a mission to Mars. However, Watney wasn’t actually dead and found himself stranded alone on Mars with limited provisions. Watney faces many challenges from simply surviving to help in his rescue. A sub plot of the movie deals with the guilt of the crew that abandoned him as well as their involvement in his dramatic rescue.

The Martian has a sense of realism to it which appeals to me. Watney is a botanist and uses his scientific knowledge to solve difficult challenges. I was really pulling for Mark as he overcomes obstacles on his path home. Interestingly, the real NASA supported both the book and the film which undoubtedly led to its realism. My favorite line from the movie is when Watney, while explaining his story to prospective astronauts says “keep working the problem” which is a reference to the importance of math and science in problem solving.  I’ve seen The Martian both in the theater and on HBO (several times) and despite knowing the ending, it grabs me every time. Although it’s a fictional story, the message is to never give up even when the odds are against you.