Monty Python and the Holy Grail

I ran into this movie by scrolling through an iPhone app called iFunny in which there were pictures containing funny captions. One picture I saw was simply a scene from the movie where a knight was missing all his limbs and the caption read “It’s only a flesh wound!” Interested, I searched the line on Google and it led me to Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The plot starts with King Arthur on the search for the Holy Grail during Medieval times and turns into a modern-day murder investigation. Yes, it’s a very strange movie but it adds to the hilarity.

This movie impacted me by being the funniest movie I had ever seen, which made me introduce it to all of my friends in high-school. The film brought all my friends closer together every time we made a reference, and to this day is still something we bring up and laugh about. It also inspired me to write a speech using similar comedy while running for senior class president which led to other opportunities that would have never come up if I hadn’t watched and enjoyed the movie so much.
I didn’t need to watch it again because I know every line, but I watched anyway because it never gets old. I still see it just as funny and it reminds me of the good times talking about it back then. If you haven’t seen it yet, I suggest you do yourself a favor! The whole movie is on Youtube.
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One Comment

  1. Edward R. O'Neill says:

    “It’s only a flesh wound!”

    It’s like machismo gone terribly wrong.

    It’s also a nuts movie because somehow King Arthur ends up being captured by the contemporary British police!

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