
The movie E.T.was one of my childhood favorites. It excited the possibility of aliens and space for me. In the movie, an alien comes down from outer space and meets a boy named Elliot. At first Elliot is terrified of E.T., but through the course of time they bond and even become friends. However, this film has quite a sad ending when E.T. leaves earth and goes back to wherever he came from, leaving Elliot alone.

I think I was so impacted by this movie because the whole idea of friendly aliens and space was really appealing to me as a child. I’m still into astronomy to this day and I like to think that the movie E.T. had a role in that. Watching this movie now, gives me a little bit of nostalgia. I still completely enjoy the film, but it gives me a longing for the days when I could run around with underwear on my head yelling “E.T. phone home!” I feel that thus movie had more of an impact on my life than other other movie has.