The Boy In The Striped Pajamas


One movie that affected me greatly was The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. This movie affected me in a strong way because this little boys life was such a lie from what his father tells him. He thinks that his father is fighting the war for the better..not burning Jews in a concentration camp. The boy, Bruno, was exploring and found the concentration camp along with a little boy inside. He became friends with the little boy and came back every day to see him. The boy from the camp came back to meet Bruno one day with bad news saying that he couldn’t find his dad. Bruno took action and snuck into the concentration camp to help search for this boys father. The group that the boy was part of was directed to a gas chamber. Bruno had no idea what was going on. The movie ends with Brunos dad running to the gas chamber knowing that his son was inside of there along with his wife screaming bloody murder also knowing that their son is gone.  It really upset me because Bruno was lied to about the camp and he had no idea that it was dangerous. All Bruno wanted was a friend to play with..not death. I don’t see the film differently now but I do notice more complex things about the movie now that I am older and my knowledge has expanded. 10/10 movie for sure and I recommend this movie to anyone that is studying the Holocaust or just in general.