Batman Returns (Tim Burton, 1992)

Michael Keaton, Michelle PFiffer, Danny DiVito, and Christopher Walken. Who needs more than that in 1992?

I won’t be spending too much time talking about Batman. Selina Kyle, played by Michelle Pfiffer, becomes Catwoman on her own crusade to find the man that killed her and kill him (her boss, Max Shrek, played by Christopher Walken). She is her own powerhouse of unfailing determination and power. Plus, she kills him! We think. The lead female role was not only strong and powerful, but she was good AND bad. This was an amazing concept to me. It kept things exciting and unpredictable. Pfiffer is by far the best Catwoman in Batman history.

The special effects were great (for the time) and the Batmobile was incredibly badass. Michael Keaton not only plays a great playboy Bruce Wayne, but looks tough under the mask. This movie inspired my love for comic books. It brought to life Adam West’s Batman and all of those comic books I cherished. And still cherish.

These days, there have been so many movies with modern special effects that Batman Returns could never compete with any of them. I see the movie today as one of the best Batman movies ever made and I am still in love with the story line and the characters. Up until the Dark Knight series, all other Batman movies paled in comparison to Batman Returns.