B-Grade Movies

What is a B-grade movie? According to the article from Wisegeek.com , a B-movie is movie with a low budget that tends to be a little on the cheesy side. This is a valuable resource because it helps me understand why the camera quality was that way or why the acting wasn’t the best.  A HARD DAY’S NIGHT was definitely a B-movie. The film was super cheesy and some of the camera angles were a little bit strange.

In most B-movies, most of the cast members are unknown actors. In some cases, like in A HARD DAY’S NIGHT, the film will feature some well known actors and pair them with a notable director. The only known actors in the film were the 4 members of The Beatles and almost everyone else in the film were practically unheard of.  B-movies can actually be critically acclaimed because just because the budget us smaller than most movies, the acting and directing can be phenomenal.

Here are some typical movie posters for B-movies:

A HARD DAY'S NIGHT film poster The Raven film poster

Film poster for Creature from the Black Lagoon