An Inconvenient Truth

Reading the posts of others I have concluded I am a boring person, I have not scene most of the mentioned movies and I really only watch Documentaries and late night TV. One of the reasons I am taking this course is so I can gain a better appreciation for Hollywood and other non mainstream movies.  Now to the reason for this post, the movie that has had a lasting impact on me that I can relate to is Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth.” This movie opened my eyes and made me realize what is happening in the world, made me realize that there world is not so small and everything is connected. Science teachers in school always tried to explain but for some reason it just did not click. This film helped me realize the biggest issue facing mankind, Global Warming.  I see the film much differently now, I see it as a missed warning for all the crazy hurricanes we have had and recorded breaking heat waves in the Central Valley. As a person that loves the outdoors and skiing I take global warming also personally, has to stop!Some people look at the film as another boring documentary or some politician trying to push his agenda but not me, it is an excellent film that is a warning to mankind.


(Just the poster is a warning.)