Fast Movie, Dark Magic, and the Classic Adventure

  The film I chose for this week’s essay is “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom”. The film begins in China where Indiana Jones barely escapes from a Chinese crime boss. In this opening scene, Indy and Short Round end up jumping on a plane to escape with Willie Scott, the nightclub singer. Indy,…

Bugging’s of the Past

    The Conversation is a movie based in San Francisco about a “bug” specialist by the name of Harry Caul. The film starts with a scene in San Francisco’s Union Square, where Harry and his team are tracking and listening to a conversation between a middle-aged man and a younger woman. Harry is a…

Unconventional Production for a Conventional Story

Roberto Rosselini’s 1954 film Journey to Italy is set in Naples, Pompei, and Capri. The film opens with the main characters Alex and Katherine driving down a road on their way to Naples. Alex and Katherine open the film and seem like distant friends rather than husband an wife. Alex’s tone when asking where they…