Close Encounters of the Third Kind/Steve Spielberg

Close Encounters of the Third Kind, directed by Steven Spielberg and released in 1977, is a unique film centered around UFO’s and alien encounters, and around the people experiencing these encounters. Although this film is a new Close Encounters of the Third Kind OG movie posterblockbuster movie, it defies some of the set ‘guidelines’ used to describe blockbusters during that time- it doesn’t have ‘simple’ myths, and can’t exactly be explained in just a few sentences. On the other hand it is a blockbuster movie- it had a very large budget of $20 million, and earned about $300 million in domestic and foreign box office revenue. 

It was a very popular movie back when it first came out, and continues to be a popular movie today. On the movie’s 40 year anniversary tons of articles were written idolizing the movie, its theme, cinematography, and its director. These articles are a tribute to how influential Close Encounters of the Third Kind is. In the article written by Rafer Guzman, talking about the theme, cinematography and Spielberg, he says that the film “is in some ways three movies in one…It’s partly a space-alien procedural…It’s also a crackling great horror movie, if only for the four-minute sequence…Finally, “Close Encounters” is a modern-day parable about an Everyman who becomes a much-mocked prophet.” This is a great explanation of three different focuses in the movie- and I think these are a huge reason why the movie was so successful. During the 70’s and before then, there weren’t a ton of movies that experimented a lot with those aspects of a movie. The alien aspect draws the audience in, the horror aspect surprises and thrills audiences, and the characters leave a lasting impression on people watching it. Steven Spielberg was known for having this kind of directing style and this is the time when he became really popular, even the trailer for Close Encounters of the Third Kind spent a long time talking about who was working on the film, instead of just what it was about.

In addition to being a very well rounded film, it had a meaningful theme. Throughout the movie language is emphasized. In one scene, set in India, researchers visit the area to study their language in connection with alien encounters. The camera shows a wide shot of what looks like thousands of people, and shows them chanting.

'India Scene' Close Encounters of the Third Kind

The researchers ask questions to a man who speaks English and he translates to the large crowd of people. This is a really interesting scene, because it sheds light on some of the mystery relating to aliens, but it also highlights the importance of communication: between the researchers and the people of India. In an article from Literature Film Quarterly (behind paywall), the author, Charlene Engel said that “The idea that a single language and the ability to communicate which it provides will make it possible for humans to do anything”, is the underlying theme in the film- and I can agree with this! I also think that friendship and family was an important theme in the movie that should have been mentioned more but wasn’t. Overall, I understand why Close Encounters of the Third Kind was such a popular movie, and why it is still very relevant today.



Box Offices Revenues- Close Encounters of the Third Kind

The Guardian/McCahill: Close Encounters of the Third Kind Blockbuster (critical)

NewsDay/Rafer Guzman: Relevance and Themes of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (critical)

Literature Film Quarterly/Charlene Engel: Analysis and Review of Close Encounters of the Third Kind (historical)

Original Trailer- Close Encounters of the Third Kind (historical)


  1. Aisha Oliver says:

    Hi Mylikha,
    You always do a great job, and I really enjoy your style of writing. You find interesting points that change what I am paying the closest attention to while viewing the movie. I never thought about the underlying themes regarding language within the film, and why the director would have demanded such an emphasis on this point. When you think about it, it truly makes sense. One of the few hurdles facing mankind is an ability to communicate universally with one another – especially when the world we know is in a threatened state. I look forward to trying to identify underlying themes such as this in the future.

  2. Tristan Crabb says:

    I really enjoyed your blog on Close Encounters of the Third kind. I liked how you not only explained that the movie was a major blockbuster, but how it became a major blockbuster, and how it continues to have a lasting impact even today. Also I really enjoyed how you explored the many different aspects of the movie, and how it has many different themes. I never thought I’d enjoy the movie simply based on the Sci-Fi appeal of it, but after reading this I find the movie much more interesting, and I think I will have to give it a watch.

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